Star Wars Empire At War Ships

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Buy Star Wars: Empire at War from Amazon. Imperial Star Destroyer: Mon Calamari Cruiser: Frigates. Victory Cruiser: Acclamator-class Cruiser: Interdictor Cruiser: Pirate Interceptor Frigate: Nebulon-B Frigate: Assault Frigate Mk II: Corvettes. How to edit a pdf. Tartan Patrol Cruiser. Welcome to the Star Wars: Empire at War wiki guide. A galaxy that was far, far away has just come a little bit closer. Welcome one and all to the guide for the latest game from Lucasarts, Star. Empire capital ships can pretty much survive on their own without the protection of cruisers, but always try to have a couple per fleet around for all situations. Wars: Empire at War Guide. The ship was commanded by Wedge Antilles' childhood nemesis Captain Loka Hask, a former pirate responsible for the manslaughter of Antilles' parents. Hask's ship was named the Dominator in STAR WARS Encyclopedia and described as an “interdictor star destroyer” in STAR WARS Handbook #1: X-Wing Rogue Squadron. Buy Star Wars: Empire at War from Amazon. Forces of Corruption: Units Capital Ships & Cruisers Name: Executor Super Star Destroyer Faction: Galactic Empire Description: 'Super Star Destroyer' is a general term for any Imperial Star Destroyer over 1,600 meters. Therefore, the Executor is a class in itself. Hulking, and about twelve times the.

Craft: Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer
Type: Super Star Destroyer
Length: 17,500 Meters
Weapons: 1 Superlaser Weapon
500 Heavy Laser Cannons
550 Turbolasers
10 Gravity-Well Projectors
Crew: 700,000
Top Speed: 40 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 150,000
Cargo Capacity: 5 Garrison Bases
100 AT-AT Walkers
50 Squadrons of TIE Interceptors
8 Squadrons of TIE Bombers
Passengers: 150,000
KDY-ECLIPSE SUPER STAR DESTROIER NO:2-(When the Eclipse no_1 was destroied on Byss Kuat Drive Yards made Eclipse version 2)
Class Eclipse-class Star Dreadnought
Technical specifications
Modified systems Extensively redesigned engines
Tower-structure added to superlaser
Length ~ 16,000 meters
Engine unit(s) Enhanced Sublight Drives
Hyperdrive rating Enhanced Hyperspace Drive
Navigation system Yes
Armament 1 superlaser
550 heavy laser cannons
500 turbolasers
10 gravity well projectors
100 tractor beams
75 ion cannons
Complement 50 TIE interceptor squadrons
8 TIE bomber squadrons
100 AT-ATs
5 prefabricated military bases
1 Royal Guard legion
1 CompForce Assault Battalion
Imperial Sovereign Protectors
Crew 708,470; 4,175 gunners
Minimum crew 88,500 Star Wars Empire At War Ships
Passengers 150,000 troops

Star Wars Empire At War Ship Mods

Cargo capacity 600,000 tons
Consumables 10 years
Craft: Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyer
Type: Super Star Destroyer
Length: 15,000 Meters
Weapons: 1 Superlaser Weapon
500 Heavy Turbo Laser Cannons
500 Turbo Lasers Batteries
75 Ion Cannons
100 Tractor Beam Projectors
5 Gravity-Well Projectors
Crew: 605,745 - Gunners 4,075
Top Speed: 30 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 130,100
Cargo Capacity: 400,000 Metric Tons
75 All Terrain Armored Vehicles
35 Squadrons of TIE Interceptors
5 Squadrons of TIE Bombers
Passengers: 130,100
Craft: Executor Super Star Destroyer
Type: Super Star Destroyer
Length: 12,800 Meters
Weapons: 250 Turbolaser Batteries
250 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
250 Concussion Missile Tubes
250 Ion Cannons
40 Tractor Beam Projectors
Crew: 279,144 Crew, 1,590 Gunners
ShipsTop Speed: 40 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 38,000 Ground Troops
Cargo Capacity: Up to 250,000 Metric Tons
Supplies for 300,000 Individuals
3 Prefabricated Imperial Garrison Bases
30 AT-ATs
40 AT-STs
144 TIE Fighters
200 Miscellaneous Combat and Support Ships
Passengers: 38,000
Class Super Star Destroyer
Technical specifications
Length >10 kilometers[1]
Height/depth >150 meters[1]
Engine unit(s) Main engines (3)[1]
Secondary engines (2)[1]
Tertiary engines (6)[1]
Hyperdrive system Equipped[1]
Armament Turbolaser cannons (2,000)[2]
Heavy turbolaser cannons (2,000)[2]
Assault concussion missile tubes (250)[2]
30 missiles each[2]
Heavy ion cannons (250)[2]
Phylon Transport Q7 tractor beam projectors (40)[2]
Point-defense laser cannons (500)[2]
Complement TIE/ln starfighters[3]
Assault shuttles[3]
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards Arc Hammer
Type: Custom Mobile Manufacturing and Launch Platform
Length: 6,400 Meters
Weapons: 200 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
300 Turbolaser Cannons
300 Ion Cannons
30 Proton Torpedo Launchers
200 Concussion Missile Launchers
50 Tractor Beam Projectors
Crew: 377,680
Top Speed: 70 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 150,000
Cargo Capacity: 150,000 Metric Tons
1,152 Starfighters
120 Transports
Passengers: 150,000
Craft: Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
Type: Super Star Destroyer
Length: 2,200 Meters
Weapons: 80 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
50 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
20 Warhead Launchers
50 Ion Cannons
15 Tractor Beam Projectors
Crew: 51,500
Top Speed: 70 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 4,850
Cargo Capacity: 45,000 Metric Tons
48 Starfighters
Passengers: 4,850
Craft: Imperial III-class Star Destroyer
Type: Star Destroyer
Length: 1,600 Meters
Weapons: 80 Turbolasers Cannons
70 Ion Cannons Star wars empire at war ship list
15 Tractor Beam Projectors
Crew: 50,810 On-Board Personnel, 275 Gunners
Top Speed: 65 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 9,900 Ground Troops
Cargo Capacity: 37,000 Metric Tons
25 AT-ATs
38 AT-STs
100 TIE Fighters
5 Assault Gunboats
8 Lambda-class Imperial Shuttles
15 Imperial Landing Craft
15 Landing Barges
Passengers: 9,800
Fighters: 6 TIE squadrons (72 Ships)
Auxiliary craft: 2 Lambda-class shuttles
Armaments: Turbolasers
Ion Cannons
Tractor Beam Projectors
Defences: Shield Generators
Propulsion: Solar Ionization Reactor
Length´:1,750 Meters
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards Titan Star Desteroyer
Type: Star Destroyer Clas:No_2
Length: 5,700 Meters
Weapons: 500 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
Super Blast Laser Star wars empire at war remake ships
250 Turbolaser Cannons
250 Ion Cannons
300 Proton Torpedo Launchers
500 Concussion Missile Launchers
150 Tractor Beam Projectors

Star Wars Empire At War Remake Ships

Crew: 400,680
Top Speed: 65 MGLT
Troop Capacity: 180,000
Cargo Capacity: 200,000 Metric Tons
1,800 Starfighters
180 Transports
Passengers: 200,000
Craft: Victory III-class Star Destroyer
Type: Star Destroyer
Length: 900 Meters
Weapons: 20 Quad Turbolaser Cannons
40 Double Turbolaser Cannons

Star Wars Empire At War Remake Ships

10 Ion Cannons
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
80 Concussion Missile Launchers
Crew: 5,000

Star Wars Empire At War Units

Top Speed: 8 MGLT

Empire At War Remake Ships

Troop Capacity: 2,000 Star Wars Empire At War Ships

Star Wars Empire At War Ships

Cargo Capacity: 8,100 Metric Tons
5 AT-AT Walkers

Star Wars Empire At War Ship Editor

2 Squadrons of TIE fighters
Passengers: 2,000

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